

Date night

Published July 15, 2024

My wife and i have been planning a date ight for sometime, and finally all of lifes complications got out of the way. To bring the to life we had to arrive seperatly an...

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Slave to passion chapter 2 sex ed

Published June 7, 2024

Note : This story is completely fictional!

The next day my had kenith and i dress and go with him somewhere. iwas confused since he hardly ever to...

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Published June 7, 2024
Paula was going out of her mind, she was down to her last twenty dollars and if she didn't find a steady source of income in a hurry she was gonna find herself out on the stre...
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The wallflowers 2nd encounter

Published June 4, 2024

The mall was almost closing, but Gabriella needed to pick up a few things before her weekend began. She walked quickly through all the rushing people into one of her fa...

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Energy Supply Part 1

Published June 4, 2024

Energy comes in a variety of forms...

I am American and I'm gay but shit, that's not to say that I go for every piece of ass that comes my ...

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Troop 166

Published May 26, 2024

The main campfire had long since died down until its flames and embers
flickered and cast an eerie glow over the tents scattered around the

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Watching the wife

Published May 24, 2024

I had been having fantasies of watching my for years but now it was going to happen and i was going to watch. I told Marie of my fantasies and much to my , she got tu...

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Bowling for broke

Published May 24, 2024

Katie had just met him but he was a friend of Jim's, and any friend of Jim's...It was becoming a late night, bowling with friends had predictably become drinking...

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